Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Shak, where have you been all my life?

I must begin by giving thanks where thanks are due...thank you, The Voice for giving us Shakira. Before her glorious return to The Voice, I had all but forgotten about the tiny Colombian. All I knew about Shakira was that her hips do not tell lies. Good for them, honesty is key. Now she is the best part of my Monday and Tuesday nights. 
She is the best thing that has happened to The Voice. Don't believe me? Let me show you why...

When she gets really excited about a performance she dances. And all the guys drool. 

She hits the button just like everyone at home wishes they could. 

Her reactions are priceless. 

Sometimes she compares performances to food. Tangerine ice-cream sounds good, girl. 

Adam loves her, I approve

She is wonderfully positive with the artists. 

She's not afraid to make fun of the other coaches. 

Basically she's all kinds of adorable. 

I am now, and forevermore, team Shak. Show them boys how it's done girl. Plus how pissed would Christina be if Shakira won this year? It'd be priceless. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Currently Playing...

Hola, y'all. Here we go again. It's time for the 5 songs I cannot stop listening to. Are you ready? 

The Story by Brandi Carlile

I also love Sara Ramirez's version equally...

I had forgotten how much I love this song until I heard it again on The Voice. It's pretty much epic. 

Goodbye Town by Lady Antebellum 

Holy balls this song is awesome. Seriously, Lady A is perfect. Had this song come out when I was leaving Downs I'd have been a wreck. I probably listen to this more than I should. 

Just Like Jesse James by Cher

Sometimes you just need a little Cher. 

Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips 

I tried so hard to not like this guy. Come on, his name is Phillip Phillips. It's literally the dumbest name I've ever heard. But then Home came out and then this...HE SPEAKS TO MY SOUL. 

Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

No words necessary. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Seven Questions

I recently read a blog posting titled, "The 7 Questions That Tell You Who You Are." Before I started I was skeptical...suuuure all it takes are 7 little questions and it'll help show me who I am, please. By the second question all of my doubts were gone. These 7 pesky questions have followed me for days. I've stewed over them and let them float in and out of my thoughts. It became clear to me that these questions did tell me a lot about myself. I feel like other people need to think about these things too, so here are the 7 questions that opened my eyes to who I really am... (all credit for these questions goes to Thought Catalog) 

1. What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to pay the bills?
This was a simple one for me. If I didn't have to pay any bills I would travel. I would explore the world and see everything I could. I'd forge through humid jungles and ride a camel across a desert and help build huts in Africa and find Hogwarts. I'd do it all. Our lives are so constricted by finances and responsibility, it'd be wonderful to throw it all away. So what would you do if your obligations melted away?

2. What cuts you the deepest?
I took this as, what hurts the most or what scares/stresses you the most? It is important for us to recognize what these things are but not to wallow in them. We need to accept these things, these horrors and then find a way to live with them. I'd tell you my deepest, darkest fear/worry but then I'd have to kill you...so let's just move right along.

3. If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
I think we've all thought about this in one way or another, for me it's a no brainer...I'd gather everyone I love in my favorite bar, in my hometown. We'd drink and laugh and share memories and exchange 'I love you's' and drink some more and hug and cry and laugh again and keep drinking. I'm not looking to make some other worldly impact, I just want to be with the people I love. 

4. Who do you love and why do you love them?
Figure this out and then surround yourself with these people. Let them be the standard for all your other relationships. Why you love them is essential, what your love is based on is critical to who you are and how you feel about yourself.

5. What do you quote?
The things people quote are important. A lot is said about a person by what they choose to quote. It's about who they are and what they believe. I quote a lot of 'Mean Girls'...not quite sure where that leaves me.

6. In those rare but life-changing moments, how do you act?
This tells you so much about yourself. When backed into the corner how do you react? Take note of the choices you make, the bridges you burn when making those choices. Days, weeks, months after these decisions, are you happy? Are you at least content? Do you feel right? I've made choices where maybe others don't agree with what I've done but I've felt right, felt good about it. I've been able to look myself in the mirror and be ok with what I've done. Have you?

7. What do you think about most?
These thoughts, although maybe small, make up who we are. The people, places, ideas, pains, inspirations, and dreams are the things that have stayed with us over the course of our lives. I know that I think of so many things each day and even have trouble sleeping sometimes because I just can't shut my thoughts off. But it is important to recognize the thoughts that are constantly with us. If they are there all the time, they are probably important and worth thinking about.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Everything Important I've Learned, I've Learned From Disney

Ok, maybe not everything I've learned but, shoot, I've learned a lot. As I've gotten wiser (wiser sounds so much better than older) I have come to see Disney movies in a different light. This is mostly in thanks to disgruntled college professors. These lovely human beings tried to ruin Disney by pointing out the sexism, racism, violence, and negative messages woven into these films. Now, I see these themes so yes professors, you guys were right...BUT I also see some other things...

Guests should be treated with respect and gratitude...and phenomenal food

Material objects do not make a full life. Not even who's-its and what's-its.

Take care of the Earth y'all

Don't let other people dictate your friendships. Hang tight to those who really matter. 

It pays off to be open to new relationships and adventures. 

Everything is connected, like a freaking circle

Some people will surprise you and you'll find things in them you didn't expect

Sometimes you have to travel great distances to find where you belong

There are days where you just don't need to worry

And perhaps the most important thing I learned from Disney...

...is what it takes to be a man