Thursday, January 31, 2013

Becoming one of them...

Here I am. Becoming that which I mock...a person who has a blog. And these things are just ridiculous aren't they? People believe their thoughts and feelings are so important that they MUST be written down. I have the same issue with Twitter...and of course have a Twitter account.

So here I go with the blogging and what have you. This will probably mostly be concerned with movies and tv, maybe some music. Who knows? And does it matter? BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY ALL MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ARE IMPORTANT SO I MUST WRITE THEM FOR THE WORLD TO RELISH IN.


  1. Haha welcome to the dark side. We have cookies (delicious, pretentious cookies).



    1. Dangit I screwed up commenting back and had to delete it...still getting the hang of this...anywho, I could go for pretentious cookies...

