Growing up with them was no picnic. I remember fighting with them over everything. We fought over toys, food, TV, rooms...just everything and anything. Looking back I have no idea how my parents didn't just abandon us. We were all twats. I have a whisper of a recollection of someone (I can't remember who specifically) telling me that one day I'd be friends with the trolls I called my siblings...gross right? My young, undeveloped mind shuddered at the thought of actually wanting to spend time with these two. I mean just look at their faces...
Well a funny thing happened...I graduated from high school and started to spend real time with my brother. I discovered something...he was pretty fun to be around. Our time together centered around lively parties at his various apartments and general debauchery. Over time something shifted, it was a gradual change and soon he was a friend...not just a friend, a best friend. We shared laughs and tears and stories and heartbreak and beer...lots and lots of beer. He's become the epitome of a big brother...and now he actually does want to spend time with me. No one has fun quite like we do when we hit the town.
My sister. Is there any relationship more complicated than the one between sisters? Our younger days were spent torturing each other and competing over EVERY aspect of our lives. Then came the stage where we did our very best to just ignore the other's existence. Once I was almost out of college and she was almost out of high school the dynamic changed. This change was even more gradual than the one between my brother and me. My sister and I were having long, personal talks but could have a screaming match ten minutes later. I do recall telling my sister, mostly in jest, one day that "we were sisters, not friends" after she let the word friend slip. Now I can honestly say she is one of the very most important people in my life. We basically spend every waking moment's disgusting. We have been through some impossible shit and we'll wade through more I'm sure.
There is so much we've been through, the three of us. I've faced things with my brother that have been so important and life altering; while doing similar things with my sister. There are countless inside jokes and bizarre stories that only the three of us understand. Even our parents are left out of some of it. We exist in our own world where only a crazy person would try to enter...then get scared and leave. We know what the other is thinking by just looking at them and people are often completely lost when around us.
There is a fierce loyalty between the three of us that still surprises me. I never expected we'd be like this but damn I'm glad it has happened. It wasn't easy and there were times that I thought it was over, there were things I thought we couldn't conquer but we've seen it all. I know without a doubt that there is nothing we can't face together, no one who can out wit or out charm us. They are my best friends and favorite comedians. I feel sorry for any soul who is stupid enough to tangle with us. So to whoever said those words to me about them becoming my were right you wise sage, you were absolutely right.