Friday, February 1, 2013

She saved the world...a lot (A Buffy post for my Buffy friends)

If you've never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer or know nothing about the show this post will mean absolutely nothing to you...turn back now...or maybe you're curious, come on in...

Maybe some of you have noticed (from my various Facebook posts) that I have been spending just about every free minute watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I went into this thinking "this is going to be stupid and I probably won't make it past a few episodes." I have never been so wrong and never been so happy about being wrong.

Yes this show can be campy and ridiculous and silly but not exclusively. The first season is kind of weak and leans more towards the nonsensical but oh sweet heavens does it get good. And when I watch a TV show I become completely engrossed. Thanks to Netflix I had the whole series at my finger tips. These characters became friends and I loved them, laughed with them, and cried with them. I am not ashamed of this.

I don't want to give anything away for those who haven't watched but it's often a heartbreaking show that has some very serious undertones/themes. What I especially loved was the different relationships on the show. More often than not shows lose sight of plotlines and character development to solely focus on the relationships between characters...not this one. The relationships were perfectly woven into story lines...well most of them...

So here is my ranking of the top 5 relationships (minus anything from season 7, I have not watched the last season yet...still recovering from season 6 *tear*)

1. Willow and Oz. These two, dear god I loved them so hard. When they go to Halloween as Joan of Arc and God...COME ON. Best costume ever. Even when he did the horrible, awful thing he did and then when he came back I was rooting for them to reunite. First loves man...

2. Willow and Tara. Ok, this is a close close second to Willow and Oz. Tara was shady as all hell for quite some time and I didn't like her. What's with the weird, shy, awkward thing? And why are you stuttering? (this later became endearing). I didn't trust her, shady shady shady. Then in season 5 I was all of a sudden like "YOU GO GIRL! YOU ARE PRECIOUS!" The true turning point was watching Willow take care of Tara after she'd gone insane...true love. And how adorable are these ladies together? Which made the end of season 6 damn near unbearable.

3. Giles and Jenny. THIS. I mean was there ever anything more perfect? I never recovered. I mean come on, they flirted over arguing about books and computers. Poor poor Giles. I can't even go on about this one...

4. Xander and Anya. I love Anya with everything I have. To me, she was one of the most interesting characters. Going from demon to human to demon. And when her and Xander confess how much they love each other I DIED. They were funny and adorable and eventually heartbreaking (I do not know what becomes of them in season 7 yet). They were often a breath of fresh air from whatever horrible relationship Buffy stumbled into.

5. Buffy and Angel. I guess if I have to include a Buffy relationship this is the one I don't completely hate. In my most humble opinion it was still annoying. She was a whiny 16 year old and he was too angsty and moody (smokin hot though). I HATED Riley...the guy was a douche. And right when I started to like Spike and Buffy he goes and attacks her in the bathroom. So really Angel wins by default. Congrats guys.

So there it is. My top 5. Feel free to argue with won't matter because my opinion is the right one.

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