Michael Meyers

This guy terrifies me. I saw the remake and couldn't sleep for days (thanks a lot Ashlynne) SHE MADE ME GO, I HATED IT THE WHOLE TIME! I can't tell if it's the mask that makes me weep (I am having trouble looking at those pictures), the music is enough to make me wet myself and then vomit, or maybe it's that he never speaks, NOT A WORD, and finally, the most important thing that horrifies me to my core....IT'S ALL SET IN RURAL ILLINOIS. Michael Meyers may very well be the reason I fled to the South. Blame him.
Hannibal Lecter

If you are not afraid of this man, you are a fool. First, he eats people. Second, he freaking eats people! And if that isn't enough to send me crying to my room, he's a damn genius. The movie insists on close up shots of Hannibal and he never blinks...seriously. Don't believe me? Go watch the movie and count the blinks, you'll get a big 0. WHO DOESN'T BLINK? Devil people, that's who.
Ghost Face
AHHHHHHH. I've seen this multiple times and I scream at Drew every time I watch it. DON'T GO OUTSIDE. DON'T TRUST THE STRANGER WITH THE CREEPY AS SHIT VOICE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, DREW? On a serious note though, his voice is the creepiest. Perhaps the scariest thing about Ghost Face...he can be anyone. And with the evolution of cell phones the idea of Ghost Face gets even more terrifying. This movie makes me never want to answer the phone again.
Stranger (When A Stranger Calls)
I have been babysitting since I was 15...this movie is my worst nightmare. The call is coming from inside the house. RUNNNNNN BITCH RUNNNNNN. Honest to god I never answered the phone whilst babysitting for fear someone would ask if I had checked on the children. You never see this guy's face. What's worse than never knowing your tormentors identity? Quick side note: I saw this movie with three of my very best friends back in high school, it was one of the most fun experiences I have ever had in a theater. We all basically ended up in one seat...OUT OF BLINDING FEAR!
The Tornadoes (Twister)
I did not grow up in Tornado Alley or OK (God Bless, OKC) but I did experience tornado season. Down here in da South, people have no clue. They are weirdly fascinated by these monsters and seem to think people "have time" to flee from them. I was already afraid of tornadoes before this movie, then I watched this...it was a terrifying experience (hindsight 20/20, I probably saw this at too young an age). The sound effects and just utter destruction made me shake. I never, ever want to experience the full horrors of a deadly tornado.
Honorable mention...
Buffalo Bill
So there you have it. The stuff of my nightmares. And now I won't be able to sleep tonight...awesome.
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