Something has happened that I never thought possible...Sundays have become my favorite. Back in the day (which was a Wednesday for those of you who don't know...DANE COOK REFERENCE!) Sundays embodied everything a young child despised. It meant homework and chores and even sitting through church. In high school Sundays meant more chores and basically just waiting for the cold grip of Monday morning. In college Sundays were a day for catching up or nursing a life stopping hangover...realistically in college my Sundays consisted of ignoring my school work and watching SVU until midnight, sorry Mom.
I moved to South Carolina and got two jobs and life has been moving way too fast. The weeks have flown by in a dream like blur. It's like I can't really remember how I got here and why. Then the sweet release of Sundays. My prestigious job in retail requires very early mornings. Now anybody who knows me knows that I DO NOT DO MORNINGS. I am a night bird through and through. So all week I'm up basically before the sun and dealing with whiny people at a retail store. But oh the glory of Sundays. You see I do not work on Sundays. I do not wake up before the sun and drag ass through my apartment. I get almost giddy every Saturday night when I turn off my cell phone before settling into my bed.
I wake up on Sunday mornings whenever the hell I want. I get up, let the dog out, do the bathroom routine, crank some Pandora, eat some cereal, clean, dance, sort my bills, and chase my dog around the apartment. My Sundays are spent laughing at my dog and eating leftovers and discovering new music and reading books and trolling the internet and basking in my independent existence. This particular Sunday I even got a "hey girl" from a guy when I went to check my mail...SCORE! We'll be married in no time.
Sundays are mine, well and Jordy's. The dread of the coming week is still there but it is a faint feeling in the dark recesses of my mind...because I'm too busy rolling around on the ground in my sweats with my dog to give a damn about Monday.
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