As I was watching Grey's Anatomy (yes I still watch it, I've invested like 9 years of my life in this and I refuse to give up now) I realized how many characters have come and gone. Some characters left me with a broken and bleeding heart. Some characters I wished nothing but the best for them. And for some characters I applauded their exit and wanted to kick them in the ass on their way out. There have been deaths, new jobs, and mysterious disappearances. Please, let me rank our fallen (or forgotten) characters for you...
1. Lexie Grey

Remember when she first came on the show and everyone hated her and she was the worst thing to happen ever? She gets the top sport because she went from hated to adored. I'm still mourning her death. Poor Little Grey.
2. Mark Sloan
I have never disliked his character. He's smokin hot, funny, sweet, madly in love with Lexie, and basically perfect. Loved his friendships with Callie and Derek. I miss his beautiful face every episode. Rest in peace McSteamy.
3. Addison Montgomery
Remember when she pinned Meredith's panties up on the bulletin board? Or when she got poison oak on her special place? This woman is everything. Now that Private Practice is over can she come back?
4. George O'Malley
George, George, George...ya had to save that girl didn't you? You are missed Bambi. He'd have been a perfect boyfriend for Kepner.
5. Denny Duquette
What made this one so hard is Izzie's reaction to it. Don't get me wrong, Denny was wonderful and charming and handsome and brave but Izzie in that damn dress, clinging to his body. Straight tears. You just know she'll always love him the most.
6. Henry (what the hell was this guy's last name?)
This guy was hysterical. I loved having a non-doctor around and he was the only thing that made scenes with Teddy watchable. Too bad he didn't last very long *sigh*
7. Preston Burke
When I first started watching this show I wasn't a fan of Burke. But recently rewatching old episodes, I really enjoy him. I truly believe he is the only man for Cristina. Shame the actor was a douche and they tossed him.
8. Adele Webber
This storyline wrecked my life. When we first met Adele she was sassy and strong but by the end, she was a shell of her former self. We had to watch her disappear, fall in love with another man, hurt herself, and ultimately die. It was cruel. I miss her busting into the hospital to lecture Richard.
9. Sydney Heron
Oh Sydney. I generally liked her, sure she was annoyingly upbeat and her voice was irritating but I LOVED how nuts she drove the other cast members. Guys, where did she go?
10. Lucy Fields (I had to Wiki her name...)
I liked this new doctor! Her and Alex were too adorable together. And then she screwed him over. Peace skank, I hope you catch some disease in Africa.
11. Ellis Grey
This woman was essentially the devil. I felt bad Meredith lost her mom but I shed no tears and basically forgot she was even on the show.
12. Teddy Altman
This woman was a trainwreck. I don't even remember where she went but I hope she stays there.
13. Izzie Stevens
Before everyone jumps down my throat because she's at the bottom of the list, hear me out. I loved her in the early seasons. She was funny and smart but then something happened...she became intolerable. So no, I don't miss her because at the point where she took off, I loathed her. Stay gone Stevens.
14. Charles Percy
Too morbid to say he got what he asked for? Sucks to die but the character was boring and just extra story that took away from important people, like Lexie or Mark...just typing their names makes me tear up.
15. Robert Stark
This guy was an ass. Remember how he had the hots for Kepner? Gross. Glad Arizona came back and then this guy just kinda disappeared...don't even care where he went.
16. Reed Adamson
This was the best picture I could find...don't even care. Whatever.
17. Erica Hahn
I probably miss her zero amounts because her exit made way for Arizona, who I love with every fiber of my being. So Hahn gets last place because she hurt Callie...bitch.
Feel free to argue with me on these...but you're wrong.